Humaneyes Weave

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Year 12 students and Anti-Bullying-Ambassador Alanna McGrath with the Humaneyes team have been working with artist Darina Deusebis on HUMANEYES WEAVE.  HUMANEYES WEAVE is a patchwork quilt of images and designs submitted by each of our school’s pastoral groups and all other organisations within the school community;  It is our school’s response to challenging stereotyping, discrimination and bigotry as part of our integrated ethos.   Alanna submitted an application to the IEF for funding to complete the project and as a result our school has had the opportunity to work with an artist on this creative response to a very serious agenda.  The HUMANEYES team are also producing a video to help ensure their message reaches as many as possible. This project was inspired by a line from our school prayer ‘With the eye of the weaver you have chosen us, such different threads to be gathered together, so that the world might be changed’ and will provide a visual focus and reminder that diversity should be celebrated.


PSNI Junior Assembly